Here is a list of the names of characters I have used throughout the Might and Magic series. I don’t really know why they’d be of any interest but I figured what the heck. The numbers next to the game titles are the years these characters played (in the eras of the games).
(*) Indicates the characters (MM1-5) were used primarily and were used to complete the game.
Might and Magic: Secret of the Inner Sanctum
- Blaine I*, Male, Good, Human, Paladin
- Sir Galdan*, Male, Good, Human, Knight
- Val Jean*, Female, Evil, Gnome, Robber
- Robyn Hood*, Female, Neutral, Elf, Archer
- Vvrana*, Female, Good, Gnome, Cleric
- Lilac*, Female, Good, Human, Sorcerer
- Crag Hack, Male, Evil, Half-Orc, Knight
- Lucky Lucy, Female, Neutral, Gnome, Cleric
Notes: Vvrana was a misspelling of Vyrana one of the default characters on the NES version. On the NES the seccond letter looked like a ’V’ so I just figured it was a double V.

Might and Magic II: Gates to Another World (900-907)
- Mad Martiga*, Male, Good, Human, Knight
- Willow, Male, Good, Elf, Robber
- Manja, Female, Good, Human, Ninja
- Arnold Sch, Male, Evil, Human, Barbarian
- Leonardo, Male, Neutral, Human, Ninja
- Un Holie, Female, Evil, Half-Orc, Paladin
- Blaine I*, Male, Good, Human, Paladin
- Sir Galden, Male, Good, Human, Knight
- Val Jean, Female, Evil, Gnome, Robber
- Robyn Hood, Female, Good, Elf, Archer
- Vvrana*, Female, Neutral, Gnome, Cleric
- Lilac*, Female, Good, Human, Sorcerer
- Crag Hack, Male, Evil, Half-Orc, Knight
- Lucky Lucy, Female, Neutral, Gnome, Cleric
- Breastvia*, Female, Neutral, Elf, Archer
- Merlin, Male, Good, Human, Sorcerer
- Sorsha, Female, Neutral, Human, Knight
- Flick, Male, Neutral, Gnome, Knight
- Sextoh, Female, Neutral, Elf, Sorcerer
- Laverne, Female, Evil, Half-Orc, Barbarian
- Virginia, Female, Neutral, Human, Paladin
- Manja II*, Female, Good, Human, Ninja
- Banker, Male, Good, Human, Robber
- Vaginali, Female, Evil, Elf, Archer

Might and Magic II: Gates to Another World (900-901) (Sega Genesis)
- Martock*, Male, Evil, Human, Barbarian
- Roman*, Male, Good, Human, Paladin
- Bageth*, Male, Evil, Gnome, Robber
- Lady Lillith*, Female, Good, Gnome, Cleric
- Meredith*, Female, Evil, Elf, Sorcerer
- Manja Tre*, Female, Good, Human, Ninja
- Breastvia, Female, Good, Elf, Archer
- Gowron, Male, Evil, Half-Orc, Knight
- Banker, Male, Neutral, Gnome, Robber
- Barbara, Female, Good, Human, Knight
- Robear, Male, Evil, Half-Orc, Robber
- Magellan, Male, Neutral, Gnome, Robber
Primary Hirelings Used (others were used at times, but these most frequently):
- Cleogotcha*, Female, Evil, Elf, Archer
- Sherman*, Male, Good, Human, Paladin
- Drog, Male, Neutral, Human, Barbarian

Might and Magic III: Isles of Terra (500-520)
- Blaine II*, Male, Good, Human, Knight
- Sir Valore*, Male, Good, Human, Paladin
- Sillvia*, Female, Good, Human, Robber
- Lady Robyn II*, Female, Good, Elf, Ranger
- Florencia*, Female, Good, Gnome, Cleric
- Merlin II*, Male, Good, Elf, Sorcerer
- Lovenoir, Female, Neutral, Elf, Sorcerer
- Crag Hack II, Male, Evil, Half-Orc, Barbarian

Might and Magic III: Isles of Terra (500-645)
I made some serious errors with the aging thing and so I had to restart my party, that’s why I ended in year 645.

Might and Magic: World of Xeen (600-623)
- Blaine III*, Male, Human, Knight
- Stephanie*, Female, Human, Paladin
- Valiant*, Male, Human, Robber
- Robin Hood*, Male, Elf, Ranger
- Belle*, Female, Gnome, Cleric
- Sorsha II*, Female, Human, Sorcerer
- Newman, Female, Gnome, Cleric

Swords of Xeen (1050-1057)
- Blaine IV*, Male, Human, Knight
- Crystal*, Female, Human, Paladin
- Theve*, Male, Human, Robber
- Beau*, Female, Elf, Archer
- Stowe*, Male, Gnome, Cleric
- Willis*, Male, Human, Sorcerer

Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven (1165-1169)
- Lord Blaine V, Male, Human, Paladin-Hero
- Madmartigan II, Male, Human, Archer-Warrior Mage
- Lady Flower, Female, Human, Cleric-High Priest
- Isabell, Female, Human, Sorcerer-Archmage

Might and Magic VII: For Blood and Honor (1168-1173)
- Lord Blaine VI, Male, Light, Human, Knight-Champion
- Lady Kari, Female, Light, Human, Theif-Spy
- Earl Deckard, Male, Light, Dwarf, Cleric-Priest of Light
- Breastvia II, Female, Light, Elf, Sorcerer-Archmage

Might and Magic VII: For Blood and Honor (1168-1172) (2nd Play)
- Zoltan, Male, Dark, Goblin, Black Knight
- Randall, Male, Dark, Dwarf, Ninja
- Lara, Female, Dark, Human, Sniper
- Alexis, Female, Dark, Undead, Lich

Might and Magic VIII: Day of the Destroyer (1172-1175)
- Blaine VII the Ugly, Male, Human, Knight-Champion

Might and Magic IX (January 521 – December 521)
- Lord Blaine VIII, Male, Human, Fighter-Paladin
- Lady Karyn II, Female, Human, Initiate-Priest
- Darkania, Female, Elf, Initiate-Mage
- Fontane Deckard II, Male, Dwarf, Fighter-Gladiator