
To begin, a welcome is in order. Rough Concept is the name of this blog, and I would like to take a minute to explain the name: I had determined to start up a blog in order to publish my essays, short stories, poetry, commentaries, and other writings. When it came to creating a blog I did not want to simply create a blog on a third party website such as, but rather I wanted to create a blog unique to me. That notion came with a price. I already had a web server, but I did not want to use one of my current domain names for my blog as they were related to other hobbies of mine. Instead I wanted a unique domain to go along with the title of my blog. Thus I went to a domain purchasing site and began to type in simple domain names. I wanted a blog title (and domain name) that expressed that the posts published would consist of creative writing, research papers, and expression of my ideas, not necessarily professionally edited. The concept of rough drafts came mind. Hence the word Rough.

But what of the word Concept. In my mind, as well of the minds of many others, writing is a form a creation. The creation and exploration of ideas. And while I would have liked the domain/blog title of The Write Idea ( I decided instead to replace the word idea with concept. Adding this to the notion that most of my writings presented will be more or less rough drafts, and being that the domain was available, I decided on the title Rough Concept. Meaning that the stories, papers, and ideas presented on this blog will not necessarily be in the most pristine and professionally edited form, but they will represent my ideas, thoughts, attitudes, and notions in their conceptual form. Note, however, that the dates of the posts do not actually represent the day that the pieces were written, only the date on which I published them online. Some of the works are very old while others are more recent.

Will anyone actually read my blog. I don’t know. I’m not really writing for other people. I’m writing for myself.

I would like to conclude this introduction by saying that the reader on this site can expect to find short stories, essays, analysis, poetry, commentaries, and so forth.